Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Apa yang aku rasa
Cinta adalah perasaan maha indah. Tanpa cinta hidup manusia tidak akan aman bahagia. Cinta menyatukan manusia, cinta menyedarkan manusia apa itu kasih sayang, cinta yang mencipta sebuah kehidupan dan cinta menemukan kita dengan keinsafan dan ketakwaan.
Percayalah cinta adalah satu keajaiban yang diberikan Maha Esa. Jangan sia-siakan pemberian Tuhan dan jagalah cinta seperti kita menjaga diri sendiri.
......lirik ini menjelaskan perasaan cinta.Bertapa agung perasaan ini kepada seseorang yang dicintainya...
"Demi semua yang aku jalani bersamamu, kuingin kau jadi milikku, kuingin kau disampingku
tanpa dirimu ku hanya manusia tanpa cinta dan hanya dirimu yang bisa membawa surga dalam hatiku...."
...aku termenung sendiri,sambil mengungkai setiap baris kata. Begitu puitis ia berbicara, dan aku mahu kau sedar..itulah yang aku rasa. Cintaku kepadamu.
Percayalah cinta adalah satu keajaiban yang diberikan Maha Esa. Jangan sia-siakan pemberian Tuhan dan jagalah cinta seperti kita menjaga diri sendiri.
......lirik ini menjelaskan perasaan cinta.Bertapa agung perasaan ini kepada seseorang yang dicintainya...
"Demi semua yang aku jalani bersamamu, kuingin kau jadi milikku, kuingin kau disampingku
tanpa dirimu ku hanya manusia tanpa cinta dan hanya dirimu yang bisa membawa surga dalam hatiku...."
...aku termenung sendiri,sambil mengungkai setiap baris kata. Begitu puitis ia berbicara, dan aku mahu kau sedar..itulah yang aku rasa. Cintaku kepadamu.
2008, akan ditinggalkan
Jam menunjukkan 5.20am. Mataku masih tidak dapat lelap...kerunsingan meresahkan aku.
Tinggal beberapa hari lagi untuk melangkah ke tahun baru,jadi aku membuat keputusan untuk mengambail masa beberapa minit menulis apa terjadi, apa yg aku alami, apa yang aku rasa sepanjang 2008. Aku berasa begitu berbeza, jujur aku katakan banyak perkara yang aku lalui sepanjang tahun ini mengubah pendirian sebenar siapa diri aku. Apa yg aku cita-citakan entah kemana pergi. Aku tidak dapat mengecapi apa yang aku inginkan. Aku tak tahu di mana dan apa yang aku mahu jadi, tetapi aku tahu di mana dan apa yang aku mahu. Aku rasa itu yang membuatkan aku begitu berbeza. Sampaikan berkali-kali aku berfikir, selama ini perkara yang aku lakukan seperti sia-sia tetapi aku perlukan nyer untuk terus berjaya dan berjaya.
Sekarang usia aku semakin meningkat. Mereka yang seusia dengan ku, sudah ramai yang berjaya, sudah ramai yang punya wawasan tercapai. sudah ramai yang dpt menikmati apa yang mereka inginkan. Tapi aku masih seperti ini.aku pernah katakan pada hati kecil ini." Aku jadi seperti apa yang aku mahukan, sekiranya diri aku mahu mencapainya lagi, teruslah mencapainya, tetapi jika aku mahu kehilangannya, aku akan terus kehilangan". Aku lalui ranjau sepanjang tahun ini tanpa suatu yang membanggakan, tiada satu pencapaian yang aku rasa boleh merubah kehidupan. Aku lakukan apa yang aku mahu lakukan, tapi dengan cara membabi buta. Apabila aku menoleh kembali ke belakang, hasilnya...aku tidak pasti.
Aku tidak mahu jadi seperti ini lagi. Aku mahu tahun baru nanti menjadi tahu permulaan untuk aku membina kembali kesungguhan dan keazaman mencapai apa yang aku inginkan. AKu tidak sabar untuk menunggu tahun baru. Evolusi kehidupan yang bakal dilalui nanti akanku perkukuhkan dengan menanam kekuatan diri menjadi seorang yang benar2 berpegang pada prinsip...."Manusia lahir sebagai mesin mencipta keajaiban".
Tinggal beberapa hari lagi untuk melangkah ke tahun baru,jadi aku membuat keputusan untuk mengambail masa beberapa minit menulis apa terjadi, apa yg aku alami, apa yang aku rasa sepanjang 2008. Aku berasa begitu berbeza, jujur aku katakan banyak perkara yang aku lalui sepanjang tahun ini mengubah pendirian sebenar siapa diri aku. Apa yg aku cita-citakan entah kemana pergi. Aku tidak dapat mengecapi apa yang aku inginkan. Aku tak tahu di mana dan apa yang aku mahu jadi, tetapi aku tahu di mana dan apa yang aku mahu. Aku rasa itu yang membuatkan aku begitu berbeza. Sampaikan berkali-kali aku berfikir, selama ini perkara yang aku lakukan seperti sia-sia tetapi aku perlukan nyer untuk terus berjaya dan berjaya.
Sekarang usia aku semakin meningkat. Mereka yang seusia dengan ku, sudah ramai yang berjaya, sudah ramai yang punya wawasan tercapai. sudah ramai yang dpt menikmati apa yang mereka inginkan. Tapi aku masih seperti ini.aku pernah katakan pada hati kecil ini." Aku jadi seperti apa yang aku mahukan, sekiranya diri aku mahu mencapainya lagi, teruslah mencapainya, tetapi jika aku mahu kehilangannya, aku akan terus kehilangan". Aku lalui ranjau sepanjang tahun ini tanpa suatu yang membanggakan, tiada satu pencapaian yang aku rasa boleh merubah kehidupan. Aku lakukan apa yang aku mahu lakukan, tapi dengan cara membabi buta. Apabila aku menoleh kembali ke belakang, hasilnya...aku tidak pasti.
Aku tidak mahu jadi seperti ini lagi. Aku mahu tahun baru nanti menjadi tahu permulaan untuk aku membina kembali kesungguhan dan keazaman mencapai apa yang aku inginkan. AKu tidak sabar untuk menunggu tahun baru. Evolusi kehidupan yang bakal dilalui nanti akanku perkukuhkan dengan menanam kekuatan diri menjadi seorang yang benar2 berpegang pada prinsip...."Manusia lahir sebagai mesin mencipta keajaiban".
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Hari sabtu, aku sendiri lagi....
Today aku bangun agak awal. Seperti biasa, 1st thing aku buat is check my phone. mana tau ada msg or missed call. Takder pun,..seperti biasa aku msg my love, wish morning...bangun awal2 nak wat, aku baring balik...lalalala..sambil tgk matahari semakin menaik (tingkap bilik aku betul2 menghadap katil). Pancaran sinar matahari yg selalu membangkitkan aku dari lamunan mimpi. Tiba2 aku dikejutkan bunyi fren call tanya aku wat per ari ne...nuthing, just stay at home kot...dia kata nak dtg, sampai la ne tak nampak batang idung...
Selepas mandi, aku lepak2 jap dengan lagu...kemas bilik n ruang tamu umah yang selalu jer berselerak. Memang dah malas aku nak kemaskan..tapi aku tak suke tgk umah berselerakkan. Apa aku nak buat lagi ari ne? emmmm, tak tahu on9 jer baby on9 rupanya.Awal pulak dia on9..kami bermsg2..bukan dlm myspace tapi handphone...malas nak taip aku call dia. ye ye ye..sonok nyer..dia kata pulang esok pagi ke KL. Dah seminggu lebih tak jumpe dia...
Menjelang tengah ari, aku kutip sume pakaian2 yang kotor tak berbasuh masukkan dalam plastik then pegi antar dobi. Kedai dobi dkt jer ngan umah aku. so jalan kaki jer ke kedai tu. Niat di hati nak amik pakaian lama yang masih tak amik kat dobi tu n makan thari kat mamak sebelah kedia dobi. Masa nak kuar, depan pintu masuk utama ke apartment aku, tiba2 pak guard tgeur, tak pernah tegur aku " Nak balik kampung ker?", hah? ilang akal, nak balik kampung pakaian letak dlm plastik bodoh cam ne..." Takder lah pak cik"..aku berlalu..
Cuaca boleh tahan panas ari ne...hhuhuhuhu...thari aku makan nasik berlaukkan sayur n ikan goreng (ikan kalau besar n masak tak garing jangan harap aku makan. Hanya sesetengh ikan jer aku makan, mostly yg kecik2 jer)..ek lain macam jer kan?Sambil makan, aku teringat kat my baby, just msg dia, "Selamat mam, love u..emuahhh". Dia tak reply pun...ngapa ek?..otw balik dengan membimbit plastik pakaian yang aku amik dari dobi tadi, aku call dia..tak berangkat pulak...sampai umah aku call balik, tak jugak angkat.knp ngan dia ne?...
Sampai umah, aku tak nak buat apa...tengok TV jap, my housemate..sorang pun tak der. Sharm awal2 pagi dah kuar. entah kemana dia pergi. Man n kerel, diaorang pegi seremban.katanya ada kenduri kahwin. Diaorang ajak, tapi aku menolak. So tinggallah aku seseorg kat umah ne. Aku on9 jap, check msg kat myspace..mana taw ada yg msg...takder...aku layan lagu plak..sambil tu , aku call baby, dia tak angakt. risau pulak aku. "Last msg tadi aku dpt daripada dia... "Sory susah nak taip msg, tangan sejuk"..mungkin tangan dia sejuk sebab duk lama kat dlm cc berair-cond kot. Mata tiba2 layu...apa lagi ...ZZZZZzzzZZZZZ.....
Aku terjaga dari tidur lebih kurang jam 5ptg..gara2 duk bergaduh ngan popuan bernama lily..entah sapalah popuan ne...dia mintak ganti rugi dengan aku sebab rosakkan barang2 pelamin yang aku pinjam...nak buat shooting. AKu bersumpah2 ngan dia aku tak ada pinjam pelamin, pakaian ada lah...bodohnyer popuan....aku mimpilah dowh...heheehehhe....aku check phone...takut2 masa aku tidor my baby ada msg ker..tapi tak der...aku call agi dia berkali2.tapi tak berangkat..kenapa ngan dia ne...?aku jadik tak sedap atilah...aku tak mahu fikir bukan2...
aku bukak blog ne...baca satu2 blog kawan...tapi dlm hati aku rasa sgt resah..harap my baby tak ada apa2 yg berlaku keatas, cyg windu sama kamu. Love u.
Selepas mandi, aku lepak2 jap dengan lagu...kemas bilik n ruang tamu umah yang selalu jer berselerak. Memang dah malas aku nak kemaskan..tapi aku tak suke tgk umah berselerakkan. Apa aku nak buat lagi ari ne? emmmm, tak tahu on9 jer baby on9 rupanya.Awal pulak dia on9..kami bermsg2..bukan dlm myspace tapi handphone...malas nak taip aku call dia. ye ye ye..sonok nyer..dia kata pulang esok pagi ke KL. Dah seminggu lebih tak jumpe dia...
Menjelang tengah ari, aku kutip sume pakaian2 yang kotor tak berbasuh masukkan dalam plastik then pegi antar dobi. Kedai dobi dkt jer ngan umah aku. so jalan kaki jer ke kedai tu. Niat di hati nak amik pakaian lama yang masih tak amik kat dobi tu n makan thari kat mamak sebelah kedia dobi. Masa nak kuar, depan pintu masuk utama ke apartment aku, tiba2 pak guard tgeur, tak pernah tegur aku " Nak balik kampung ker?", hah? ilang akal, nak balik kampung pakaian letak dlm plastik bodoh cam ne..." Takder lah pak cik"..aku berlalu..
Cuaca boleh tahan panas ari ne...hhuhuhuhu...thari aku makan nasik berlaukkan sayur n ikan goreng (ikan kalau besar n masak tak garing jangan harap aku makan. Hanya sesetengh ikan jer aku makan, mostly yg kecik2 jer)..ek lain macam jer kan?Sambil makan, aku teringat kat my baby, just msg dia, "Selamat mam, love u..emuahhh". Dia tak reply pun...ngapa ek?..otw balik dengan membimbit plastik pakaian yang aku amik dari dobi tadi, aku call dia..tak berangkat pulak...sampai umah aku call balik, tak jugak angkat.knp ngan dia ne?...
Sampai umah, aku tak nak buat apa...tengok TV jap, my housemate..sorang pun tak der. Sharm awal2 pagi dah kuar. entah kemana dia pergi. Man n kerel, diaorang pegi seremban.katanya ada kenduri kahwin. Diaorang ajak, tapi aku menolak. So tinggallah aku seseorg kat umah ne. Aku on9 jap, check msg kat myspace..mana taw ada yg msg...takder...aku layan lagu plak..sambil tu , aku call baby, dia tak angakt. risau pulak aku. "Last msg tadi aku dpt daripada dia... "Sory susah nak taip msg, tangan sejuk"..mungkin tangan dia sejuk sebab duk lama kat dlm cc berair-cond kot. Mata tiba2 layu...apa lagi ...ZZZZZzzzZZZZZ.....
Aku terjaga dari tidur lebih kurang jam 5ptg..gara2 duk bergaduh ngan popuan bernama lily..entah sapalah popuan ne...dia mintak ganti rugi dengan aku sebab rosakkan barang2 pelamin yang aku pinjam...nak buat shooting. AKu bersumpah2 ngan dia aku tak ada pinjam pelamin, pakaian ada lah...bodohnyer popuan....aku mimpilah dowh...heheehehhe....aku check phone...takut2 masa aku tidor my baby ada msg ker..tapi tak der...aku call agi dia berkali2.tapi tak berangkat..kenapa ngan dia ne...?aku jadik tak sedap atilah...aku tak mahu fikir bukan2...
aku bukak blog ne...baca satu2 blog kawan...tapi dlm hati aku rasa sgt resah..harap my baby tak ada apa2 yg berlaku keatas, cyg windu sama kamu. Love u.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Keriangan cuti krismas...
Plan last minute with officemate. Rasanya jam 12.30 pm malam semalam sebelum balik umah. Aku and officemate (cael, abg anip, adin n sudir) termasuk sorang housemate abg anip plan hari ni ke Ulu Yam. Just nak mandi manda. Dah lama rasanya tak mandi sungai n menikmati keindahan alam.So, plan kami menjadi. Seawal jam 8.30am kami bertolak ke Ulu Yam dengan dua buah kete. Kami bertolak awal sebab tak mahu kalut nanti nak cari port n parking. Maklum sajalah, hari ni cuti krismas, so ramailah family2 yg dtg. memang betul pun...Kami pergi tak lama pun, sekejap jer. Lebih kurang jam 1 kitaorg blah. Orang masa tu semakin ramai. Sampai di Ulu Yam, masa tu blum ramai, so kami dptlah port (parkin) utk letak barang n makanan. sebelum mandi, masing2 melantak dulu nasi lemak, bihun goreng n sandwich sardin yang dibawa n dibuat oleh abg anip...TQ abg anip sodap masakan hang.Lepas makan apa lagi, time terjun sungailah...mak oii, air sejuk mencengkam ke tulang. sejuk banget!..x larat nak mandi lelama.sejuk sampai semua kecut.
Lepas tu kami balik KL, semua singgah umah gue dulu. Mandi n tukar pakaian. Entah macam mana, tetiba pulak ada yang ajak pi karaoke pulak. Huh! alang2 cuti, boleh juga join. Duduk umah pun menbosankan.So, lepas bersiap sume kami pergilah melalak kat Ampang Park...sekali lagi, abg anip blaja. baik sungguh abg anip neh...moga2 rezeki semakin bertambah n boleh ler blanja kami lagi.lebih kurang 5.30pm kami blah dari tmpt karaoke n pulang ler umah. Sampai umah gue tertidor...zzzzzZZZzzz....... (nak tgk pix2 kami ke Ulu Yam, tggu aku up date soon)
Lepas tu kami balik KL, semua singgah umah gue dulu. Mandi n tukar pakaian. Entah macam mana, tetiba pulak ada yang ajak pi karaoke pulak. Huh! alang2 cuti, boleh juga join. Duduk umah pun menbosankan.So, lepas bersiap sume kami pergilah melalak kat Ampang Park...sekali lagi, abg anip blaja. baik sungguh abg anip neh...moga2 rezeki semakin bertambah n boleh ler blanja kami lagi.lebih kurang 5.30pm kami blah dari tmpt karaoke n pulang ler umah. Sampai umah gue tertidor...zzzzzZZZzzz....... (nak tgk pix2 kami ke Ulu Yam, tggu aku up date soon)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
AKu mahukan ketenangan
Mulai esok (25/12/08) aku akan bercuti panjang hingga selasa depan. Di kesempatan ini, aku akan berehat dan mencari ketenangan. Aku harus pergi, pergi jauh dari sini buat seketika. Dengan cara ini aku dapat mengembalikan keyakinan dan kekuatan diri untuk meneruskan kehidupan ini. Yang telah berlaku, biar ia pergi. Yang bakal mendatang akan ku hadapi dengan tabah.
Buatmu yang aku cinta...
..... aku menunggumu setiap waktu.
Buatmu yang aku cinta...
..... aku menunggumu setiap waktu.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Fahamilah jiwa ini...
Fahamilah jiwa ini....
Kita berjauhan beratus batu
Pandangan matamu tak dapat ku tatapi
Setiap detik aku merasakan kerinduan
Setiap saat aku mengingatkan kamu
Namun, jiwaku hampa, kecewa, derita
Sejak kita berjauhan
Hatiku kesepian menantikan jawapan
Menunggu harapan
Kau hanya mampu terdiam
Aku sendiri kekakuan
Pintaku, fahamilah jiwa ini
yang sentiasa menginginkan kamu
merasakan kehadiranmu di sisi.
Masa pun berlalu
kau masih begitu
aku masih menunggu.
Harapan terakhir ku pinta darimu
Buktikan kecintaanmu kepada ku.
Kita berjauhan beratus batu
Pandangan matamu tak dapat ku tatapi
Setiap detik aku merasakan kerinduan
Setiap saat aku mengingatkan kamu
Namun, jiwaku hampa, kecewa, derita
Sejak kita berjauhan
Hatiku kesepian menantikan jawapan
Menunggu harapan
Kau hanya mampu terdiam
Aku sendiri kekakuan
Pintaku, fahamilah jiwa ini
yang sentiasa menginginkan kamu
merasakan kehadiranmu di sisi.
Masa pun berlalu
kau masih begitu
aku masih menunggu.
Harapan terakhir ku pinta darimu
Buktikan kecintaanmu kepada ku.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Perempuan cina berbulu ketiak...

Petang tadi selepas abis grooming n modeling workshop 4 finalist Maskulin,. aku balik umah naik Lrt Star. Lebih kurang jam 7 lebih. Biasalah time ne ramailah orang naik tren. Alhamdulliah, aku dpt tempat duduk..bukan nak duduk sgt pun, tapi disebabkan terlalu penat, kepala terhanguk2...aku duduk. Sampai stesen Hang Tuah, org makin ramai.....tiba2 ada 2 amoi berdiri depan aku. tangan mereka bergayut di palang besi. Aku tgk mereka....dlm pada aku duk tgk2 tertengok benda yang aku jarang dan rasanya 1st time kot...pakai baju dah lah takda lengan...punya confident slh sorang amoi ne...ko org tahu aku tgk apa? mak woii kalah bulu ketiak aku...x pernah aku tgk popuan berbulu ketiak....kalau lelaki biasalah berbulu popuan..adoi....potong stim..harapkan muke jer lawa...what say ur guys? memang ada ekk popuan jenis macam ne? atau amoi ne jenis popuan malas nak buang bulu ketiak tu....geli gelemang aku tgk....
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Pergi tak kembali
Hari ahad yang agak mendung, di awal pagi, tangisan kesedihan menyelubungi hati dan perasaan my baby. Air matanya bercucuran, teresak2 menahan kesedihan...aku turut terasa sebak melihat titisan air mata kasih sayangnya pada seorang insan yang membesarkannya sedari kecil hingga mengenal a, b,c...1,2 dan 3...alif, ba, ta...Dia terima msg dari kakaknya dari kampung menyatakan Jang Kiah (ibu saudaranya) telah kembali ke rahmatullah.Al-Fatihah. Maha Esa lebih menyayanginya daripada yang lain. Semoga pemergian arwah dalam keadaan tenang. Semogo rohnya ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang solehah. Amin, amin, amin. Buat baby, banyak-banyak bersabar. Ingat, setiap yang hidup pasti akan kembali kepadaNya. Kita yang masih bernyawa berdoalah untuk kesejahteraan hidupnya di alam Bakhzah.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
How to be romantic?
Being romantic is hard work. Some people think that romance is easy, that anybody can be romantic with very little work. This is not true. To be romantic there are a lot of things you must know about romance and a lot of situations you must prepare for. For example, you and your beloved plan a date for next Friday night. You ask where she'd like to go. "Oh, I don't know," is her reply. "Surprise me. I know you'll think of something special." What do you do? Give up? Read on and learn the secrets of romance.
What Is Romance?
Romance is a nebulous thing with the curious property of being describable but not definable. We won't muck with your head and try to suggest there's an ultimate definitive definition out there. Some people will try to do just that and come up with some tidy little definition, like, "Romance is showing you care." Sure, it sounds good at first, but although draping your coat over a puddle and asking if she remembered to brush her teeth that morning may be actions triggered by this same motivation, they rate distinctly differently on the romance scale.
Although it's not so much a definition, as it is no more precise than the word "romance" itself, one way to describe romance succinctly is "what women want out of a relationship." In other words, men aren't romantic, and if you're a man, that's why you need this guide. If you're a woman, of course, you were born with an innate knowledge of this stuff and need not read further.
But though romance may not be definable, there are still some hard fast rules. Below, we have documented many of the atomic elements of romance. Mix these ingredients up, and you've got it.
Intrinsic Romance
Some things are inherently romantic, like hearts. This is very useful, because you can pile things upon the object of your affections and win romance points without expending any additional effort or thought. The trick is to figure out what is romantic and what is not. There is a basic rule of thumb to follow: if it's cool, it's not romantic. For example, high powered rifles are not romantic. Science fiction is not romantic. DVD players are not romantic unless they're playing Sleepless In Seattle.
But a whole ton of things are intrinsically romantic, and you should use them to your advantage.
Cute Things
Teddy bears are romantic. Puppies are romantic. Cherubic baby archers are romantic. Those photographs where two little kids exhibit an unnatural affection for each other and only the roses are in color are romantic.
Taking advantage of the intrinsic romance in cute things obviously depends upon recognizing which things are cute. The rule is simple. Small things are cute. If you see a food product in a grocery store that comes in a smaller package than usual, get it, because there's a very good chance it's cute. The same goes for travel size shampoo, toothpaste, and so on. Find a store that sells doll house stuff, and your supply of cute things can be limitless.
Low Light
Candles are romantic. Sunrises and sunsets are romantic. Any kind of low light, you see, is romantic, hence why dinner dates after dark are more romantic than lunch dates at noon. Combine low light sources, and it stands to reason that the air of romance will be so thick, your beloved will be blind to anything else but the radiance of her shimmering knight in armor. Open the curtains on a sunset and light some candles, and you might even be able to get away with watching a football game during dinner.
Red is romantic, because red is the color of love and passion. Consider roses. Red roses mean, "I love you." Yellow roses mean, "Let's just be friends," which is synonymous with, "You are irritating, and I hate you." So you do not want to be wrong. Get her red roses, red ribbons, red balloons, red teddy bears, red puppies, and red tickets to the World Series, and she'll fall hopelessly under your spell.
Background Music
Background music is romantic, and note the word "background," because not just any music is romantic. For music to be romantic, it must be too soft to hear. Also, it may not be lively or funny or good. Elevator music is the most romantic genre of music out there.
Chocolates are not only romantic, they're complimentary. When you give a box of chocolates to your beloved, it says, "You could pig out on this tub of lard and bloat out to three tons, but you'd still be the apple of my eye." It doesn't matter if it's true -- it's the message that counts. But the real reason to give your loved one chocolates is because any loved one worth her salt will turn right around and offer you some. It's a win-win no matter how you look at it. Buy her a red one shaped like a heart, and you're in like Flynn.
Fancy Curly Things
Flair and flourishes are romantic. Whenever you get her a greeting card, get one of the ones with all the curly pink scribbles on it. When you write her letters, make the tails of the 'g's and 'y's really long and the loops in the 'd's and 'b's and 'p's really big. That's way romantic. Notice how romantic the title banner at the top of this page is? The 'R' is particularly romantic, because it's red.
The Most Intrinsically Romantic Thing Ever
Based on the data above, the single most romantic thing in the universe can be calculated scientifically. It is, simply, a small red candle made out of chocolate and shaped like a teddy bear holding a heart with scribbles all over it that plays a tune when you wind it up. Toss her one of these at sunset on your way to a frat party, and you'll be able to stay out all night and still strengthen your relationship.
Practical things are not romantic. Why do you think blenders and toaster ovens are so notoriously unromantic? Because they have an alternative use, of course. But get her a poofy thing that sits on her dresser behind her jewelry box, never to be touched or moved again, and she'll melt in your arms.
Personal Stuff
Romance is personal. To be romantic, you must be personal and do personal kind of things. It's sort of romantic to buy a mooshy greeting card for your loved one, but to be really romantic, you should sign it. As far as birthday presents and so forth go, you can make the gift personal by carefully considering your beloved's interests and choosing a gift uniquely suited to her personality. Flowers always works.
Your Time
One of the required ingredients of romance is your time. Nope, there's no way out of it.
An important part of romance is selective blindness. You must not acknowledge anything about your beloved that could possibly be construed as a fault. If a nightmare suddenly woke her up from a twenty minute nap after four straight days of not sleeping at all, don't even say she looks "tired." If "radiant" isn't the least of your comments about her appearance, you're sunk. If she's rude to someone without cause, prattle on about how much nerve that other person had for being such a big fat jerk. If she spilled pizza sauce on her chin, don't say a word, nor give any other indication that her complexion is amiss. Paradoxically, if she gets home, looks in the mirror, and finds it still there, she'll hate you for not telling her, so you'd better find a surreptitious way of removing it without her ever noticing -- and afterward, keep that stray globule of pizza sauce your best kept secret to the day you die.
Remembering Birthdays and Anniversaries
Remembering your beloved's birthday and your anniversary isn't so much romantic as it is a stay of execution, for surely you'll forget someday, and when you do, you'll find out how not romantic cold shoulders and tears are. Your safest bet is to find someone whose birthday is on Christmas, then marry her on New Year's Day, because nobody forgets those days.
Pet Names
To be romantic, you have to call each other names carefully crafted to make yourself and everyone around you throw up. This romance technique doubles as a passion meter way more accurate than those quarter eating machines in arcades; if you use these pet names and don't throw up, you're genuinely in love.
Here's how to construct your own pet name. Mix up the syllables "pook," "wee," "hon," "oop," and "ums," (never use the syllables "skuzz" or "elch"), rhyme a lot, and make liberal references to baked goods. For example, (WARNING! WARNING! TURN YOUR FACE AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER!), "Sweetie Pumpkin Pookums" is a perfectly acceptable and effective pet name, as are "Moopsie Cutie," "Hunny Wunny Cakes," and, for the extravagant, "Snookie Wookum Weetie Bunny Pie." (It may seem odd to novices that cooked rodents would be romantic, but they are.) For best results, speak these pet names with a big dumb grin, an admiring gaze, and a high-pitched squeal, and follow it up with an exaggerated sigh of dreamy contentment. The most important thing to remember about this is never ever do this in front of me.
If you need help coming up with a suitable mooshy pet name, we at RinkWorks have provided a service to help. Visit Fantasy Name Generator and select "Mushy Names."
Even if you get all the essentials of romance right, a lack of style could still foul you up. Try to be as "suave" and "debonair" as you possibly can, as this is the optimum romantic style. Be as much like James Bond as you can, except for the infidelity, compulsive gambling, chain smoking, and killing people parts. Be elegant, humble, refined, independent, thoughtful, responsible, compassionate, spontaneous, reputable, graceful, polite, literate, entertaining, discreet, funny, upstanding, sensitive, fun, sophisticated, pleasant, selfless, reverent, and genuine. And if you can't, fake it. And don't overdo it. Subtlety is essential. If she doesn't notice, you can always find an opportune moment to work a whispered pointer into the conversation, such as, "Notice how elegant, humble, refined, independent, thoughtful, responsible, compassionate, spontaneous, reputable, graceful, polite, literate, entertaining, discreet, funny, upstanding, sensitive, fun, sophisticated, pleasant, selfless, reverent, and genuine I am."
Better yet, follow the old adage, "Show, don't tell," and demonstrate these admirable attributes, each in turn, so she'll be sure to take notice. Wear a tuxedo, bow to the object of your affections, kiss her hand, and say, "Why did the chicken cross the road? But seriously, you are looking beautiful today, and may I suggest we adjourn and spontaneously give thanks to God while I empathize with your inner woman in private, if indeed you'd consent to receive the fervent attentions of my lowly self? And afterward, we could go to Disneyworld."
Not Having Food On Your Head
It's disturbingly common for romance counselors to neglect to mention this essential romance ingredient, in spite of how terribly important it is. Other romance guides blissfully skirt around this important tip, potentially leading their unwary followers to a fatal misstep. The unfortunate fact is that if you do everything else right but have a chicken pot pie oozing down over your ears, it's not romantic at all. It's embarrassing to the object of your affections, and embarrassment overrides romance. So when you've set the mood, the lighting, the background music, and put yourself in a chivalrous frame of mind, don't forget to make sure there are no edibles above the neck, or your efforts will be in vain.
How To Propose
Unfortunately romantic comedies and sappy sitcoms have taken most of the corn--uh, good ideas already. But there are still a lot of options remaining to you. And you want it to be perfect, because you own the moment -- you have as close to total control over it as you could possibly imagine. I will refrain from making the obligatory marital poke about how it might be the last such moment of your life. But you have a lot of options. If you're fond of a good adrenaline rush, I recommend the "sweep her off her feet" option, whereby you rent a trampoline, fire yourself out of a cannon when she's not looking, catch her in midair, and as you're both landing in a tangled heap on the trampoline, slip the ring on her finger before she knows what hit her. If you're looking to surprise her with your proposal, this will most likely do the trick.
On the other hand, if you're a more reserved sort of person who prefers not to be propelled by gunpowder any more than absolutely necessary, you may prefer a different option that suits your personality better. Sit your fiancee down in one of those chair desks they have in schools and, using a blackboard, slide projector, and laser pointer, give a brief but well-prepared lecture on why it would be to your mutual benefit -- legally, financially, and otherwise -- to get hitched as quickly as possible. Try to use the phrase "...and it is a remarkable fact..." somewhere in your presentation. Make an indisputable argument. How could she turn down such cool-headed rationality?
Then again, perhaps your fiancee is not quite as studious as you are. Perhaps she is something of a "party girl," as those who enjoy swift punches from zealous feminists might say. Perhaps she would prefer to share such a wondrous moment with a dozen or two of her very best friends. In that case, I would recommend taking her and a small throng of her friends out to a fine, elegant restaurant -- the kind where there is a different waitperson for each course and three for the wine. Sometime between the Chicken Teriyaki Vinaigrette Caesar Salad a la Mode and the Fettucini Tortellini Lamborghini Schnitzel Alfredo on the Rocks, clear your throat to get everyone's attention (in a gentlemanly way, of course, which means, among other things, that your napkin be involved in the maneuver). Stand up, bow to your beloved, take her hand, kneel before her, and burst into deep, resonating song. No matter if your singing voice is not so much like Luciano Pavarotti as Gilbert Gottfried; it's your exuberance and noble intentions that count. You own the moment, so milk it for all it's worth. Sing of love and pink bunny rabbits and whirlpools of thundering sweetness until your voice can't take it anymore. By the end, she'll be so moved to tears, she just might not recover until the wedding.
Whatever your method of proposing turns out to be, you must incorporate one key element, namely the element of not proposing like any other human being has ever proposed before. Any romantic proposal you see in the movies is definitely out, as are all the suggestions I've made in this section. So, just to be on the safe side, try proposing in some outrageous situation. Don't let her know what you're doing, of course. Maybe you could sneak your beloved into a parachute and onto a plane for a surprise mid-air skydiving proposal. If you have connections at NASA, the zero-gravity proposal technique is bound to succeed, as long as you figure out a way to kneel in mid-air.
To sum up, the fundamental message of this guide is that, no matter how hard you try, you can't be romantic enough. But if you study the pointers given above, learn them by heart, remain conscientious of them at all times, you might be able to buy yourself a temporary reprieve now and then. The next step is to coordinate when these moments occur, such as just before the World Series. Good luck.
Being romantic is hard work. Some people think that romance is easy, that anybody can be romantic with very little work. This is not true. To be romantic there are a lot of things you must know about romance and a lot of situations you must prepare for. For example, you and your beloved plan a date for next Friday night. You ask where she'd like to go. "Oh, I don't know," is her reply. "Surprise me. I know you'll think of something special." What do you do? Give up? Read on and learn the secrets of romance.
What Is Romance?
Romance is a nebulous thing with the curious property of being describable but not definable. We won't muck with your head and try to suggest there's an ultimate definitive definition out there. Some people will try to do just that and come up with some tidy little definition, like, "Romance is showing you care." Sure, it sounds good at first, but although draping your coat over a puddle and asking if she remembered to brush her teeth that morning may be actions triggered by this same motivation, they rate distinctly differently on the romance scale.
Although it's not so much a definition, as it is no more precise than the word "romance" itself, one way to describe romance succinctly is "what women want out of a relationship." In other words, men aren't romantic, and if you're a man, that's why you need this guide. If you're a woman, of course, you were born with an innate knowledge of this stuff and need not read further.
But though romance may not be definable, there are still some hard fast rules. Below, we have documented many of the atomic elements of romance. Mix these ingredients up, and you've got it.
Intrinsic Romance
Some things are inherently romantic, like hearts. This is very useful, because you can pile things upon the object of your affections and win romance points without expending any additional effort or thought. The trick is to figure out what is romantic and what is not. There is a basic rule of thumb to follow: if it's cool, it's not romantic. For example, high powered rifles are not romantic. Science fiction is not romantic. DVD players are not romantic unless they're playing Sleepless In Seattle.
But a whole ton of things are intrinsically romantic, and you should use them to your advantage.
Cute Things
Teddy bears are romantic. Puppies are romantic. Cherubic baby archers are romantic. Those photographs where two little kids exhibit an unnatural affection for each other and only the roses are in color are romantic.
Taking advantage of the intrinsic romance in cute things obviously depends upon recognizing which things are cute. The rule is simple. Small things are cute. If you see a food product in a grocery store that comes in a smaller package than usual, get it, because there's a very good chance it's cute. The same goes for travel size shampoo, toothpaste, and so on. Find a store that sells doll house stuff, and your supply of cute things can be limitless.
Low Light
Candles are romantic. Sunrises and sunsets are romantic. Any kind of low light, you see, is romantic, hence why dinner dates after dark are more romantic than lunch dates at noon. Combine low light sources, and it stands to reason that the air of romance will be so thick, your beloved will be blind to anything else but the radiance of her shimmering knight in armor. Open the curtains on a sunset and light some candles, and you might even be able to get away with watching a football game during dinner.
Red is romantic, because red is the color of love and passion. Consider roses. Red roses mean, "I love you." Yellow roses mean, "Let's just be friends," which is synonymous with, "You are irritating, and I hate you." So you do not want to be wrong. Get her red roses, red ribbons, red balloons, red teddy bears, red puppies, and red tickets to the World Series, and she'll fall hopelessly under your spell.
Background Music
Background music is romantic, and note the word "background," because not just any music is romantic. For music to be romantic, it must be too soft to hear. Also, it may not be lively or funny or good. Elevator music is the most romantic genre of music out there.
Chocolates are not only romantic, they're complimentary. When you give a box of chocolates to your beloved, it says, "You could pig out on this tub of lard and bloat out to three tons, but you'd still be the apple of my eye." It doesn't matter if it's true -- it's the message that counts. But the real reason to give your loved one chocolates is because any loved one worth her salt will turn right around and offer you some. It's a win-win no matter how you look at it. Buy her a red one shaped like a heart, and you're in like Flynn.
Fancy Curly Things
Flair and flourishes are romantic. Whenever you get her a greeting card, get one of the ones with all the curly pink scribbles on it. When you write her letters, make the tails of the 'g's and 'y's really long and the loops in the 'd's and 'b's and 'p's really big. That's way romantic. Notice how romantic the title banner at the top of this page is? The 'R' is particularly romantic, because it's red.
The Most Intrinsically Romantic Thing Ever
Based on the data above, the single most romantic thing in the universe can be calculated scientifically. It is, simply, a small red candle made out of chocolate and shaped like a teddy bear holding a heart with scribbles all over it that plays a tune when you wind it up. Toss her one of these at sunset on your way to a frat party, and you'll be able to stay out all night and still strengthen your relationship.
Practical things are not romantic. Why do you think blenders and toaster ovens are so notoriously unromantic? Because they have an alternative use, of course. But get her a poofy thing that sits on her dresser behind her jewelry box, never to be touched or moved again, and she'll melt in your arms.
Personal Stuff
Romance is personal. To be romantic, you must be personal and do personal kind of things. It's sort of romantic to buy a mooshy greeting card for your loved one, but to be really romantic, you should sign it. As far as birthday presents and so forth go, you can make the gift personal by carefully considering your beloved's interests and choosing a gift uniquely suited to her personality. Flowers always works.
Your Time
One of the required ingredients of romance is your time. Nope, there's no way out of it.
An important part of romance is selective blindness. You must not acknowledge anything about your beloved that could possibly be construed as a fault. If a nightmare suddenly woke her up from a twenty minute nap after four straight days of not sleeping at all, don't even say she looks "tired." If "radiant" isn't the least of your comments about her appearance, you're sunk. If she's rude to someone without cause, prattle on about how much nerve that other person had for being such a big fat jerk. If she spilled pizza sauce on her chin, don't say a word, nor give any other indication that her complexion is amiss. Paradoxically, if she gets home, looks in the mirror, and finds it still there, she'll hate you for not telling her, so you'd better find a surreptitious way of removing it without her ever noticing -- and afterward, keep that stray globule of pizza sauce your best kept secret to the day you die.
Remembering Birthdays and Anniversaries
Remembering your beloved's birthday and your anniversary isn't so much romantic as it is a stay of execution, for surely you'll forget someday, and when you do, you'll find out how not romantic cold shoulders and tears are. Your safest bet is to find someone whose birthday is on Christmas, then marry her on New Year's Day, because nobody forgets those days.
Pet Names
To be romantic, you have to call each other names carefully crafted to make yourself and everyone around you throw up. This romance technique doubles as a passion meter way more accurate than those quarter eating machines in arcades; if you use these pet names and don't throw up, you're genuinely in love.
Here's how to construct your own pet name. Mix up the syllables "pook," "wee," "hon," "oop," and "ums," (never use the syllables "skuzz" or "elch"), rhyme a lot, and make liberal references to baked goods. For example, (WARNING! WARNING! TURN YOUR FACE AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER!), "Sweetie Pumpkin Pookums" is a perfectly acceptable and effective pet name, as are "Moopsie Cutie," "Hunny Wunny Cakes," and, for the extravagant, "Snookie Wookum Weetie Bunny Pie." (It may seem odd to novices that cooked rodents would be romantic, but they are.) For best results, speak these pet names with a big dumb grin, an admiring gaze, and a high-pitched squeal, and follow it up with an exaggerated sigh of dreamy contentment. The most important thing to remember about this is never ever do this in front of me.
If you need help coming up with a suitable mooshy pet name, we at RinkWorks have provided a service to help. Visit Fantasy Name Generator and select "Mushy Names."
Even if you get all the essentials of romance right, a lack of style could still foul you up. Try to be as "suave" and "debonair" as you possibly can, as this is the optimum romantic style. Be as much like James Bond as you can, except for the infidelity, compulsive gambling, chain smoking, and killing people parts. Be elegant, humble, refined, independent, thoughtful, responsible, compassionate, spontaneous, reputable, graceful, polite, literate, entertaining, discreet, funny, upstanding, sensitive, fun, sophisticated, pleasant, selfless, reverent, and genuine. And if you can't, fake it. And don't overdo it. Subtlety is essential. If she doesn't notice, you can always find an opportune moment to work a whispered pointer into the conversation, such as, "Notice how elegant, humble, refined, independent, thoughtful, responsible, compassionate, spontaneous, reputable, graceful, polite, literate, entertaining, discreet, funny, upstanding, sensitive, fun, sophisticated, pleasant, selfless, reverent, and genuine I am."
Better yet, follow the old adage, "Show, don't tell," and demonstrate these admirable attributes, each in turn, so she'll be sure to take notice. Wear a tuxedo, bow to the object of your affections, kiss her hand, and say, "Why did the chicken cross the road? But seriously, you are looking beautiful today, and may I suggest we adjourn and spontaneously give thanks to God while I empathize with your inner woman in private, if indeed you'd consent to receive the fervent attentions of my lowly self? And afterward, we could go to Disneyworld."
Not Having Food On Your Head
It's disturbingly common for romance counselors to neglect to mention this essential romance ingredient, in spite of how terribly important it is. Other romance guides blissfully skirt around this important tip, potentially leading their unwary followers to a fatal misstep. The unfortunate fact is that if you do everything else right but have a chicken pot pie oozing down over your ears, it's not romantic at all. It's embarrassing to the object of your affections, and embarrassment overrides romance. So when you've set the mood, the lighting, the background music, and put yourself in a chivalrous frame of mind, don't forget to make sure there are no edibles above the neck, or your efforts will be in vain.
How To Propose
Unfortunately romantic comedies and sappy sitcoms have taken most of the corn--uh, good ideas already. But there are still a lot of options remaining to you. And you want it to be perfect, because you own the moment -- you have as close to total control over it as you could possibly imagine. I will refrain from making the obligatory marital poke about how it might be the last such moment of your life. But you have a lot of options. If you're fond of a good adrenaline rush, I recommend the "sweep her off her feet" option, whereby you rent a trampoline, fire yourself out of a cannon when she's not looking, catch her in midair, and as you're both landing in a tangled heap on the trampoline, slip the ring on her finger before she knows what hit her. If you're looking to surprise her with your proposal, this will most likely do the trick.
On the other hand, if you're a more reserved sort of person who prefers not to be propelled by gunpowder any more than absolutely necessary, you may prefer a different option that suits your personality better. Sit your fiancee down in one of those chair desks they have in schools and, using a blackboard, slide projector, and laser pointer, give a brief but well-prepared lecture on why it would be to your mutual benefit -- legally, financially, and otherwise -- to get hitched as quickly as possible. Try to use the phrase "...and it is a remarkable fact..." somewhere in your presentation. Make an indisputable argument. How could she turn down such cool-headed rationality?
Then again, perhaps your fiancee is not quite as studious as you are. Perhaps she is something of a "party girl," as those who enjoy swift punches from zealous feminists might say. Perhaps she would prefer to share such a wondrous moment with a dozen or two of her very best friends. In that case, I would recommend taking her and a small throng of her friends out to a fine, elegant restaurant -- the kind where there is a different waitperson for each course and three for the wine. Sometime between the Chicken Teriyaki Vinaigrette Caesar Salad a la Mode and the Fettucini Tortellini Lamborghini Schnitzel Alfredo on the Rocks, clear your throat to get everyone's attention (in a gentlemanly way, of course, which means, among other things, that your napkin be involved in the maneuver). Stand up, bow to your beloved, take her hand, kneel before her, and burst into deep, resonating song. No matter if your singing voice is not so much like Luciano Pavarotti as Gilbert Gottfried; it's your exuberance and noble intentions that count. You own the moment, so milk it for all it's worth. Sing of love and pink bunny rabbits and whirlpools of thundering sweetness until your voice can't take it anymore. By the end, she'll be so moved to tears, she just might not recover until the wedding.
Whatever your method of proposing turns out to be, you must incorporate one key element, namely the element of not proposing like any other human being has ever proposed before. Any romantic proposal you see in the movies is definitely out, as are all the suggestions I've made in this section. So, just to be on the safe side, try proposing in some outrageous situation. Don't let her know what you're doing, of course. Maybe you could sneak your beloved into a parachute and onto a plane for a surprise mid-air skydiving proposal. If you have connections at NASA, the zero-gravity proposal technique is bound to succeed, as long as you figure out a way to kneel in mid-air.
To sum up, the fundamental message of this guide is that, no matter how hard you try, you can't be romantic enough. But if you study the pointers given above, learn them by heart, remain conscientious of them at all times, you might be able to buy yourself a temporary reprieve now and then. The next step is to coordinate when these moments occur, such as just before the World Series. Good luck.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Sapa nama serupa dengan aku?
Setelah dari petang tidur, sedar2 jam 10.30 mlm...aiyoooo...giler mana aku lh tak tersedar...bila dah trjaga, alamatnya susah lak aku nak tidur.Lepas mandi, makan roti bersalut Peanut butter cicah air teh strawbrry...lh lah wat alas perut...lpas tuh aku layan myspace, dngar lagu..x tahu apa lagi nak buat..mata tak ngatuk....ermmm, terfikir lak aku nak surf internt n nak cari sapa kat dunia neh nama supe cam aku...jeng..jeng..jeng pencarian pun bermula....
Armizi Abu Bakar----mamat neh jumpa dalam page facebook
Armizi---umur 24 thn, org Bukit Rambai, Melaka, jumpa dalam page Friendster
Armizi----Fashion Companies, Fashion Products dari Karachi, Pakistan---wah aku ada label fashion sendiri (berangan)
Mohd Armizi--dia ada Mohd lah kat depan..jumpa kat FotoPages
Armizi Ibrahim---mamat ne jumpa dlm Netlog page.Dia pun ada blog gak...huhuhuhu
Armizi---aku jumpa dlm page Myspace, mamat ne orng kelantan
Armizi Taher- Religious Affairs Minister Indonesia--pak menteri yahh..
ini jer yang aku jumpe....malas rasanya nak terus mencari....
Armizi Abu Bakar----mamat neh jumpa dalam page facebook
Armizi---umur 24 thn, org Bukit Rambai, Melaka, jumpa dalam page Friendster
Armizi----Fashion Companies, Fashion Products dari Karachi, Pakistan---wah aku ada label fashion sendiri (berangan)
Mohd Armizi--dia ada Mohd lah kat depan..jumpa kat FotoPages
Armizi Ibrahim---mamat ne jumpa dlm Netlog page.Dia pun ada blog gak...huhuhuhu
Armizi---aku jumpa dlm page Myspace, mamat ne orng kelantan
Armizi Taher- Religious Affairs Minister Indonesia--pak menteri yahh..
ini jer yang aku jumpe....malas rasanya nak terus mencari....
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Adakah aku hanya sandaran...?
Bukan sekali kau suarakan
Kebimbangan pada cintaku
Kau tak mampu
Bersendirian tanpaku
Itu semua lembut lidah
Manis madah penuh helah
Yang pastinya...
Aku adalah sandaran...
Monday, December 08, 2008
To my lovely baby...
Since the beginning of time
Since it started to rain
Since I heard you laugh
Since I felt your pain I was too young, you were much younger
We were afraid of each other's hunger
I have always loved you
There's never been anyone else
I knew you before I knew myself
Oh my baby, I have always loved you
Since we kissed the first time
Since we slept on the beach
You were too close for comfort
You were too far out of reach
You walked away, I should have held you
Would you have stayed for me to tell you?
I have always loved you
There's never been anyone else
I knew you before I knew myself
Oh my baby, I have always loved you
Years go by in a matter of days
And though we go separate ways
I never stop dreaming of you
I have always loved you
When you call it makes me cry
We never made time for you and I
If I could live it all again I
'd never let it end, I'd still be with you
Oh God, I miss you
I have always loved you
There's never been anyone else
I knew you before I knew myself
Oh my baby, I have always loved you
Years go by in a matter of days
And though we go separate ways
I never stop dreaming of you
I have always loved you
Simple me
Eric Leong Design Fast Forward
Hold my hand and I'll hug your arms
Take me back in the arms I love
Need me like you did before
Touch me once again
And remember when
There was no one that you wanted more I'll be waiting for you
Here inside my heart
I'm the one who wants to love you more
You will see I can give you
Everything you need
Let me be the one to love you more
Di kamar sepi ini....
Dalam kamar sepi, di malam penuh mulia , aku sendiri lagi...kerinduan pada si dia bagaikan tidak tertanggung..hatiku terasa kosong, jiwaku terasa sepi. Pada siapa mahu aku luahkan rasa ini? Tiada siapa di sisi menemani. Pada teman tersayang (blog) jua dapat ku luahkan segalanya. Semakin hari aku berasa semakin sepi. Entah mengapa...akhir2 ini aku bagaikan kehilangan, kehilangan sesuatu yang aku sendiri tidak pasti. Aku cuba mencari kehilangan itu...dimanakah ia? Pada Ilahi aku berdoa agar ditunjukkan sesuatu yang selama ini aku cari, selama ini aku dambakan.
Aku cuba sampaikan apa yg terbuku di hati, tapi aku malu, aku rasa seperti terasing...namun sampai bila harus aku begini. Bukan untuk aku merintih simpati atau meminta kalian yang membaca jiwa ku ini bersimpati...namun segalanya hanyalah luahan isi hati ini. Sesiapa yang mengenali, pasti tahu siapa aku. Mungkin ramai yang mneganggap, bekerja sebagai penulis seperti aku mempunyai ramai teman2, kenalan atau sahabat. Dan mungkin ada yang melihat, aku sentiasa tersenyum, gembira. Sebenarnya itu hanyalah kepuraan. Aku mana ada ramai kawan? Hanya dua tiga org yang aku anggap teman...Cael, oda, hanya mereka betul2 sahabat padaku. Ika, marini, Jemang, abang anip, mereka kawan. Housemate..sham, kerel, man..mereka juga kawan. Aku cuba mencari silap diriku ini...mengapa aku tidak seperti orang lain yang punyai ramai teman? mereka bergembira bersama....mengapa tidak aku? Adakah aku sombong? kera sumbang? aku sendiri tidak tahu....tidak pasti.
Pada cinta, aku tidak pernah berpura2. Padaku cinta adalah perasaan maha indah...perasaan yang Tuhan berikan kepada umatnya...bagiku cinta adalah hadiah yang tidak terhingga nilainya. Sebab itu cinta yang aku nikmati tidak akan aku sia2kan. Dalam cinta, aku ikhlas, aku jujur, aku jaganya agar terus berpanjangan...kecurangan? aku bukan manusia jenis itu. Aku bukan manusia yang tamakkan cinta. Biarlah cinta yang satu itu diberi Tuhan sudah cukup...Cintaku pada yang tersayang, tidak mampu aku nyatakan dengan kata2. Aku tidak tahu, sama ada dia bertuah miliki aku, atau aku bertuah miliki dirinya? Aku ucapkan terima kasih tidak terhingga kerana hadir dalam hidupku...cinta kita tidak akan aku sia-siakan. Buatmu yang tersayang, setiap saat aku membayangkan hadirmu di sisiku.
Aku cuba sampaikan apa yg terbuku di hati, tapi aku malu, aku rasa seperti terasing...namun sampai bila harus aku begini. Bukan untuk aku merintih simpati atau meminta kalian yang membaca jiwa ku ini bersimpati...namun segalanya hanyalah luahan isi hati ini. Sesiapa yang mengenali, pasti tahu siapa aku. Mungkin ramai yang mneganggap, bekerja sebagai penulis seperti aku mempunyai ramai teman2, kenalan atau sahabat. Dan mungkin ada yang melihat, aku sentiasa tersenyum, gembira. Sebenarnya itu hanyalah kepuraan. Aku mana ada ramai kawan? Hanya dua tiga org yang aku anggap teman...Cael, oda, hanya mereka betul2 sahabat padaku. Ika, marini, Jemang, abang anip, mereka kawan. Housemate..sham, kerel, man..mereka juga kawan. Aku cuba mencari silap diriku ini...mengapa aku tidak seperti orang lain yang punyai ramai teman? mereka bergembira bersama....mengapa tidak aku? Adakah aku sombong? kera sumbang? aku sendiri tidak tahu....tidak pasti.
Pada cinta, aku tidak pernah berpura2. Padaku cinta adalah perasaan maha indah...perasaan yang Tuhan berikan kepada umatnya...bagiku cinta adalah hadiah yang tidak terhingga nilainya. Sebab itu cinta yang aku nikmati tidak akan aku sia2kan. Dalam cinta, aku ikhlas, aku jujur, aku jaganya agar terus berpanjangan...kecurangan? aku bukan manusia jenis itu. Aku bukan manusia yang tamakkan cinta. Biarlah cinta yang satu itu diberi Tuhan sudah cukup...Cintaku pada yang tersayang, tidak mampu aku nyatakan dengan kata2. Aku tidak tahu, sama ada dia bertuah miliki aku, atau aku bertuah miliki dirinya? Aku ucapkan terima kasih tidak terhingga kerana hadir dalam hidupku...cinta kita tidak akan aku sia-siakan. Buatmu yang tersayang, setiap saat aku membayangkan hadirmu di sisiku.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Malam yang sepi
Ahad (7/12)-Malam yang aku rasa amat sunyi, aku rasa sepi. Tiada siapa yang mengetahui perasaan aku ini. Sendiri di rumah tanpa teman. Aku tak tahu apa yang perlu aku lakukan. Saat aku memerlukan teman2 untuk berborak, kekasih hati yang jauh saat ini, tiada yang hadir menemani aku. Biarlah aku luahkan di sini. Tempat aku berbicara sendiri.
Buat kekasih hatiku....
Aku mulai rasai kerinduan yang amat sejak kelmarin kau pulang ke kampung.Aku berasa begitu sepi tanpa dirimu di sisi. Tiada teman untuk aku berbicara. Ada mu, aku berasa begitu sempurna, gembira melihat senyumanmu, matamu yang layu, bicaramu yang kadang-kala penuh bermakna.
Sejak pertemuan kali pertama hingga ke saat ini, banyak dugaan yang terpaksa kita hadapi bersama. Suka duka diharungi berdua. Sejak kita menjalin cinta, aku tidak pudar untuk mencintai dirimu. Aku mahu kau tahu, kehadiran dirimu dalam hidupku memberi sinar kebahagian yang selama ini tidak pernah aku rasai. Hingga saat ini, tiada insan yang dapat memberikan kebahagian itu selain dirimu. Aku juga mahu kau tahu, bertapa aku terlalu mencintai, menyanyangi dan mengasihi dirimu. Tidak akan ku ganti dirimu dengan insan lain. Bagiku kau sudah sempurna untuk dicintai dan menerima cinta darimu. Aku jujur, aku ikhlas pada dirimu. Setiap detik aku sentiasa mengingati mu. Aku tidak tahu lagi bagaimana untuk mengungkapkan kata-kata cinta ku kepada mu. Hanya satu yang aku pinta, usahlah kau tinggalkan aku. Andai itu jua terjadi, ia akan menjadi kenangan kehidupan yang tidak akan aku lupa hingga ke mati. Buatmu.... CINTAILAH AKU SEPERTI AKU MENCINTAIMU.
Buat teman-teman (sebenarnya aku tidak punyai ramai teman)
Maafkan aku..maafkan aku. Sudah lama rasanya aku tidak bersama kalian. Lantaran masa dan keadaan yang tidak mengizinkan. Biarpun kita jarang bersama, namun kalian tidak pernah aku lupa. Kerna kali begitu bermakna kepada diriku. Kalian adalah sahabatku hingga ke akhir nyawa. Buat kalian...PERSAHABATAN YANG TERBINA TIDAK AKAN KU LERAIKAN.
Buat kekasih hatiku....
Aku mulai rasai kerinduan yang amat sejak kelmarin kau pulang ke kampung.Aku berasa begitu sepi tanpa dirimu di sisi. Tiada teman untuk aku berbicara. Ada mu, aku berasa begitu sempurna, gembira melihat senyumanmu, matamu yang layu, bicaramu yang kadang-kala penuh bermakna.
Sejak pertemuan kali pertama hingga ke saat ini, banyak dugaan yang terpaksa kita hadapi bersama. Suka duka diharungi berdua. Sejak kita menjalin cinta, aku tidak pudar untuk mencintai dirimu. Aku mahu kau tahu, kehadiran dirimu dalam hidupku memberi sinar kebahagian yang selama ini tidak pernah aku rasai. Hingga saat ini, tiada insan yang dapat memberikan kebahagian itu selain dirimu. Aku juga mahu kau tahu, bertapa aku terlalu mencintai, menyanyangi dan mengasihi dirimu. Tidak akan ku ganti dirimu dengan insan lain. Bagiku kau sudah sempurna untuk dicintai dan menerima cinta darimu. Aku jujur, aku ikhlas pada dirimu. Setiap detik aku sentiasa mengingati mu. Aku tidak tahu lagi bagaimana untuk mengungkapkan kata-kata cinta ku kepada mu. Hanya satu yang aku pinta, usahlah kau tinggalkan aku. Andai itu jua terjadi, ia akan menjadi kenangan kehidupan yang tidak akan aku lupa hingga ke mati. Buatmu.... CINTAILAH AKU SEPERTI AKU MENCINTAIMU.
Buat teman-teman (sebenarnya aku tidak punyai ramai teman)
Maafkan aku..maafkan aku. Sudah lama rasanya aku tidak bersama kalian. Lantaran masa dan keadaan yang tidak mengizinkan. Biarpun kita jarang bersama, namun kalian tidak pernah aku lupa. Kerna kali begitu bermakna kepada diriku. Kalian adalah sahabatku hingga ke akhir nyawa. Buat kalian...PERSAHABATAN YANG TERBINA TIDAK AKAN KU LERAIKAN.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Kisah kawan lama
Selepas 5 tahun meninggalkan Universiti Malaya, sepanjang itu juga aku tidak pernah berjumpa dengan rakan sekelas aku yang sorang ne. Budak kelantan yang aku panggil Mat Yie. Mamat ne memang jenis kecoh, terlebih ramah orangnya. Sapa saja dia duk tegur masa belajar dulu. Hobi dia suke ambil gambar tak kira sapa. Yestarday, masa aku hantar my baby pulang kampung, aku ditegur dengan mamat ni. Terkejut aku tengok dia. Perubahan besar, tapi perangai and sikap tak berubah-berubah. Apa yang aku terkejut dengan perubahan besar dia tu....huh! dulu masa kat universiti, dia lah kaan aku yang keding...tapi sekarang mak oiiii...macam badak saiz nyer...awat hang besar sangat neh? apa hang makan? dia betul2 naik berat badan. serba bulat aku tengok...sebab dah lama gile aku tak jumpa dia, kami lepak lama borak2 hal masing2. Aku tanya dia tak bawak kamera ker...just nak test sama ada dia masih suka amik gambar ke tak...tiba2 dia kuarkan kamera sony powershot. hahahha dah advance...dulu pakai kamera cap ayam jer...ko ni memang tak abis2 dengan perangai ko...dia gelak besar.....mat yie...mat yie..
Monday, December 01, 2008
Perlukah aku meragui?
Tersadung aku di lantai kesat, lalu tersedar dari lena yang membuai jiwaku selama ini. Mengapa sekarang baru ku sedar? entah sekian lama ku didustai? aku kebinggungan mengetahuinya. Lalu kupinta penjelasan yang sejujurnya. Satu jawapan yang aku terima telah meremukkan, menghancurkan, mengguris hati kecil ku. Sejauhmana untuk aku terus mempercayainya lagi...hanya masa dan keadaan menentukan. Andai perpisahan mengundang kami, kau leraikan lah ikatan itu, aku mengizinkan kau pergi, ciptalah dunia kebahagian baru untuk dirimu dan dia. Aku di sini pasrah dan mendoakan kau bergembira setelah menghancurkan perasaan insan yang pernah kau namakan yang tersayang sebelum ini.
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